女主人公 FGO價格第 6 頁推薦共252筆商品。包含249筆拍賣、5筆商城快搜尋「女主人公 FGO」找出哪裡買、現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!The Protagonist (主人公, Shujinkō) is the main protagonist and the Master of the playable Servants in Fate/New World 1 Profile 11 Background 12 Appearance 13 Personality 2 Role 3 Ability 4 Trivia Protagonist is a magus from another world He died in his mission and transferred to the new world In the new world, he joins Alvarez New World and help them to repair world history"主人公補正に振り回され続けた脇役の話" is episode no 1 of the novel series "振り回され続けた『脇役』の話" It includes tags such as "Fate/GrandOrder", "オリ主" and more Attention!!
Fate主人公 新人首单立减十元 21年8月 淘宝海外
Fate go 主人公